Applicants applying for the post must be disciplined, punctual and should possess dedication to work. Writing a cover letter is important as it gives a literal description of the applicant and his credentials.
Writing a cover letter for the post of a taxi driver is easy but applicants must know certain rules and regulations before writing the letter. Although many candidates are aware of how to construct a cover letter but many of them are unaware of the latest trends and rules of writing an impressive cover letter that goes along well with their resumes. Below mentioned are some tips that will help applicants in writing better cover letter.
Tips for writing a better taxi driver cover letter
Cover letter Example
Jeffery M. Welty
Human Resource Manager
Lotus Taxi Driving Agency
1133 Dovetail Estates
Philadelphia, PA 73601
Dear Mr. Welty,
I am writing this letter in response to the advertisement in the local daily about the post of a taxi driver in your agency. I am therefore sending you this letter along with my resume and reference letter for your review.
I possess a professional experience of 3 years in taxi and delivery van driving. I have been associated with two renowned firms professionally and have had the privilege of learning about the various aspects and responsibilities in the field. I was first associated with TMZ Courier Services and was assigned as a delivery van driver. After working in TMZ for a period of 1 year I switched to cab driving and was assigned as a taxi driver for Helicon Industries. In Helicon, I was assigned to drive a taxi and help in the picking up and dropping of office employees and other official members. I have the experience of working in both day and night shifts and am very familiar with the local map and routes of the city. I also possess a valid driving license and am aware of the state and city traffic laws. I possess good communication skills along with dedication and punctuality.
I believe I am perfectly suited for the post of a taxi driver that is vacant in your firm and wish to meet you in near future for discussing more about the post and allied responsibilities and duties. You can contact me any time on the telephone number given above or mail me on the above mentioned email address.
Thanking you,
Randall M. Fisk
Enclosures: Resume, Reference letter.
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