Applicants applying for the post of a ship's mate have to prepare a cover letter that resembles their resume properly and gives a better representation of the applicant to the recruiter. They must be well aware of the responsibilities and duties involved in the position. A ship's mate looks after a particular or multiple number of activities and programs in a ship or an ocean liner. He is responsible for supervising and coordinating the activities of the crew on the ship. He may also be assigned to look after the amount of cargo loaded on the ship and make reports accordingly. Ship mates are also assigned to look after the maintenance of the ship. In short, applicants applying for the post of a shipmate must possess the working knowledge of a ship. He should possess multitasking skills and should be dedicated and hard working as well.
Cover letter Sample (for an experienced candidate)
Jeff L. Hayes
Human Resource Manager
Galactic Shipping
1458 Willow Greene Drive
Montgomery, AL 36116
Dear Mr. Hayes,
I am writing this letter to apply as a ship's mate in your firm. I recently came across an advertisement of a vacancy of a ship's mate post in one of your ships and I am therefore sending you this letter for your review.
As it is clearly mentioned in my resume, I possess a prior experience of 3 years as a ship's mate in Royal Shipping Corporation. I possess the license of US Merchant Marine and the Coast Guard License of the United States of America. I performed a number of activities onboard and was officially commended by my captain. I possess excellent multi tasking skills and can perform a wide variety of work related to the field. I am hardworking and dedicated to my work. I also possess good communication and behavioral skills.
I hope that you will be able to understand my expertise and credentials and will allow me to work for the post. Looking forward to meet you to discuss more about the post and knowing the responsibilities. Thanking you for now for reviewing my letter and resume.
Yours faithfully.
Benjamin D. Brenneman
Enclosure: Resume
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