print "@bnr_all\n";
Printer's Apprentice Resume Cover Letter
A sample cover letter for printer's apprentice job.
Given below is a sample printer's apprentice resume cover letter. If you are applying for a printer's apprentice
job, don't forget to send such cover letter with it.
123, Park evenue
Boston, MA, 02123
(123) 456-7890
September 23rd 2008
Ms. Sally Cook
Zeus Temporary Systems
241, West Street
San Francisco, CA 95842
Dear Ms. Cook,
Should you need me to visit your offices to demonstrate for you my expertise in desktop publishing, do not hesitate to give me a call. I am knowledgeable in both IBM and Macintosh software programs. Also, I would be willing to travel up to 60 miles each way on temporary job assignments.
Thank you.
Martha Klingman
Enclosure: Resume
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
open(LATEST, "footer_cover.txt");
@bnr_all = ;
print "@bnr_all\n";