Resume Samples
 Resume Cover Letter 

Office Manager Resume Cover Letter

A sample cover letter for office manager job.
Given below is a sample office manager resume cover letter. If you are applying for a office manager job, don't forget to send such cover letter with it.

123, Park avenue
Boston, MA, 02123
(123) 456-7890

September 23rd 2008

Ms. Sally Cook
Zeus's Warehouse
865, East Street
San Francisco, CA 95196

Dear Ms. Cook,

Whether your challenge is to coordinate a disorganized clerical pool, train new secretaries in the latest computer software, plan a luncheon for VIPs at the last minute or budget for next year, I can rise to meet your needs. For this reason, I was pleased to hear that you have an opening for Office Manager from Callie Kendrix, your southeast regional sales manager.

As education administrative assistant to the vice-president at Goldstein's Department Stores, Inc., I have faced and conquered all challenges set my way. I enjoy and excel in handling multiple projects concurrently. The busy environment at Dennison's Warehouse will certainly profit from my office management expertise.

Enclosed you will find a copy of my resume for your review.

If you wish your office to run smoothly, for your employees to be contented, and for projects to be completed ahead of schedule, please contact me. I will meet and exceed your expectations.


Martha Kingman

Enclosure: Resume

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