News world has become a challenging, 24X7 battle field where one news production house is competing with the other for a juicier, more scandalous piece of news. It is indeed true that the modern journalism has completely changed the meaning of news. Today it's not just news, it is entertainment; who met whom, who is going around with whom, who is the killer, who is the hero. The world of news has surely come a long way since the inception of the world's oldest news agency - Agence France-Presse in 1835. In that era, any news item was phoned in by the reporter to the news agency, the transcripts of which were then transmitted over wire to the news room. Today, with the advent of new technology, thanks to satellite link-up vans and mobile technology, news has started traveling at lightening speeds so much so that it is now broadcasted live. Today news is not just about increasing one's knowledge, it is rather about entertainment. This is the reason why in the recent times we have seen a rapid surge in the number of news publications and broadcast channels.
In all of this, the role of a news writer remains the most important as he answers all the basic questions about any news item like - 5 Ws and 1 H (who, what, when, where, why and how)
Cover Letter Sample (experienced)
October 17th 2013
Robert Denning, HR Team
NCW News Corp
City Towers
Miami, FL 33147
Subject- Application for the post of experienced Newswriter
Dear Sir,
I am writing to you to apply for the post of news writer with NCW News Corp.
I have been working as a news writer for the last 3 years with INB network. During this period I have gained immense experience in writing all kinds of news reports with crime news as my forte. I strictly adhere to the international code of reporting incidents by following the 5 Ws and 1H in inverted pyramid style. I have a rich experience of multi-tasking and can meet deadlines even if they are very tight.
Before working as a news writer with INB network, I have worked as a freelance journalist for 1 year and have covered reports for news channels like ICB Network and London Broadcast Network. Being a reporter and a news writer, I can perfectly gel the stories with all the essential informative and entertaining elements and thus produce interesting reports in short time.
Given a chance, I am most definite that I will add up as a valuable asset to NCW and contribute to further its TRP.
I am attaching my resume and experience letter here and hope to speak to you soon.
Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely,
Charles Davis
October 17th 2013
Robert Denning, HR Team
NCW News Corp
City Towers
Miami, FL 33147
Subject- Application for the post of a fresher Newswriter
Dear Madam,
I am a media and communication student from Boston State University and have just completed my final year. I am right now looking for a full time employment opportunity with NCW News Corp.
I would like to take this opportunity to express my desire to join your company as it would be an enriching experience for me to work in a challenging, dynamic environment like yours. I have interned for 3 months with United News Corp and possess knowledge about the ethics and rules of news writing. In the college, I have been on the college news journal team and written several articles for the same.
Attached here is my resume with all the relevant details along with a few articles from my college news journal.
Hope to have a personal interaction with you very soon.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Hollis Grey
In a cover letter, you don't have to go in length describing about your achievement s and experience. You should only mention the important points and sum up with the reason of how you can be a valuable asset to the company.
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