Music is the essence of life. It can uplift your depressed soul or make you sink in past recollection. On the other hand, musicians are people who have the capacity to sway people with their melody of instruments, as well as songs. For a musician, music is like worship, a religion, and a way to life. It has great effects on human mind. It can vent your negative feelings, and inspire you to live life to the fullest.
For being a musician, first you have to learn musical instruments like guitar, drum, piano, etc. For this, you can join music schools, where a music teacher teaches notations and their application. To apply for the post of a musician in any school, college or other institution, you must have a professional degree in music, like a bachelors or masters degree in music. When you have mastered over the scales and chords of music, you can be sure of playing any tune, or singing any song as required by your clients. It is essential to practice playing your instruments regularly, and adopt a habit of following the notes on a regular basis. Practicing music not only makes your song good to hear, but increases your quality of melody.
Sample cover letter
Leo Pinkman
2354 Saltbrook
Soth Carolina
United States
Contact No: 900-456=238
Email Id:
Subject: Application for the post of Musician in your esteemed college.
Dear Mr. Froyd,
With reference to the job openings I came across on Internet, posted on last Monday, I would like to offer my candidature of a Musician. Being a passionate music lover, and with a formal degree in music, I promise you of utmost dedication towards my profession.
I have three years experience in teaching vocals and rock music. Besides that, I have a fair knowledge of guitar and piano. My experience of teaching Hip-hop notations in my earlier school has imbibed in me, a complete performer, the patience to teach one tone repeatedly for a long period, and to provide the pros and cons of hip-hop music. I also have knowledge of rap, rock, and country music.
Therefore, I request you to kindly consider my application, and let me serve your reputed college. Hope you will schedule an interview as soon as possible. To further your knowledge, I have enclosed the following copies.
Thank you for giving me your valuable time and considering as one of the eligible applicant.
Leo Pinkman
Enclosure: Resume and Experience certificate
If you'd like, you can take a look at sample musician resume to build your own.
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