Resume Samples
 Resume Cover Letter 

Library Assistant Resume Cover Letter

A sample cover letter for library assistant job.
Given below is a sample library assistant resume cover letter. If you are applying for a library assistant job, don't forget to send such cover letter with it.

123, Park evenue
Boston, MA, 02123
(123) 456-7890

September 23rd 2008

Ms. Sally Cook
Zeus High School
453, East Street
San Francisco, CA 95856

Dear Ms. Cook,

The position of library assistant described in your advertisement in the Ypsilanti Gazette appears to be exactly the position I've been looking for to fit my skills and goals. As requested, I am enclosing my resume for your review.

As my resume indicates, I am specifically looking for a position at a large public high school. While I have enjoyed my work at the Welch Community library, I find that I get the greatest pleasure from helping teens learn to use the library. Also, I have worked with both manual and database cataloging systems and have several years of experience working with books, audiovisual and other materials.

I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you in the near future to learn more about the library assistant position and to answer any question you may have about my background.

Respectfully yours,

Martha Kingman

Enclosure: Resume

We suggest you to visit the resume section of library assistant sample, before you start drafting your cover letter, to get more ideas on how to optimize your candidature and market it efficiently

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