While writing a resume cover letter of an actress you need not have a specific format like commercial letters. Actress resume cover letter should include your achievements as an actress, stage roles, your looks, awards and other skills which will be considered noteworthy.
Thus, while writing a resume cover letter for the actress you can use the following guidelines.
1. Cover letter Example (Experienced Candidate)
Carl R. Munoz
PQR Films Ltd.
2474 Hinkle Lake Road
Boston, MA 02110
Subject: An application for the post of an Actress
Dear Sir,
It is from Mr. Willie A. Salazar who assists you as technical director that I came to know that you are in search of a lead actress and I wish to express my interest in this opportunity.
After completing my bachelors in fine arts; I joined New York Film Academy to sharpen my acting skills. I have been fascinated with acting right from my childhood. To pursue this dream and career I started with theater and now I have two ads and a film named the 'Polorus Ureka' to my credit. The film, in which I played a lead role, has been well appreciated by the audience and critics alike. I was also awarded with the Best Debut female award for the year 2010 (critics' choice) for this movie. It would be an honor for me to work with your well esteemed films company. I possess a pleasant personality and good verbal skills. With a two months training program in dancing and self grooming my acting skills and personality have further enhanced and I assure you that you would not regret your decision to have me as a lead actress in your film. So, hope to have a personal contact soon.
Look forward to your positive reply for the same.
Thank you,
Martha R. Black
2. Cover Letter for Fresher
Keith M. Martin
Hiring officer,
XYZ Films Ltd.
2933 Big Indian
New Orleans, LA 70112
Subject: An application for the post of an Actress
Dear Sir,
It is from Ms. Kate Keller; I came to know about the offer as a lead actress in your film and I wish to apply for the same.
I am new in this area but wish to state about some of my achievements. In my college days, I used to perform for the various drama competitions and skits where my acting was well appreciated. I got an award for playing a lead role for the same. Now I wish to pursue it as a career. A year's course in 'Drama and Acting' has improved my personality and acting talents. It would be an honor to be a part of your well established team. Hope to hear a positive reply soon.
Look forward to you for an opportunity to have a personal contact so that you can get the exact idea about my talents and acting skills. You can contact me on above mentioned address if required.
Thank you,
Yours sincerely,
Clara J. Bravo
While writing such a letter you have to highlight the roles played, experience in the area of acting, talents, works done previously, personality etc. It will help you to increase the chances of having a personal meeting so that you can show your acting skills and talents at the time of meeting. Before drafting cover letter you should draft actress resume so that you can describe your skills and experience properly in that resume. Refer a sample of actress resume.
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